The HsShellScript Homepage

HsShellScript is a library which makes it easy to do typical shell scripting tasks in Haskell.



HsShellScript is quite old, already - some 20 years old. During the last years, changes have mostly been bug fixes and quality improvements, as well as portings to new GHC versions (necessary because of incompatible changes). So it is pretty stable and well-tested.

HsShellScript is mature and documented. Most parts have been tested in use by me since 2004.

I’ve ported HsShellScript to base >= && < 5 (GHC 9.4.4 and up). That’s the recommended version (as of 2024-04-02). From what I’ve learnt, I set the bounds of the version of the base package to “>= && < 5”.


HsShellScript is distributed via the Cabal system and its package server Hackage. This means that you don’t install it. You just use it and Cabal will do the rest.

You can still download it from Gitlab, if you like.

The sources of the old versions, from before I switched to Gitlab (up to 3.5.0), are here.


The API documentation is linked on the project’s Hackage page, under “Modules”.

There used to be sort of a usage manual, but that's outdated and pointless now. The API documentation is elaborate and also includes some examples.


The email addresses are obfuscated a litte in order to repulse spammers. Insert an @-sign and dots in the email addresses as needed.


This is free software, released under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1, or any later version.

This page was last changed on 2024-04-03.